Detailed Intro to Buy Me a Coffee

If you’re a creator of any kind, either it’s books or any other form of art, you might want to create a virtual tip jar. This way, your followers can support you, and you might be able to make some extra bucks. Many platforms are offering this service. Among all, I went with Buy Me a Coffee, as I found it easier to work with. It also had all the futures I needed – and all of them for FREE! I will elaborate below.

Why Buy Me a Coffee?

Creating a page there is easy as pie. You don’t even need instructions. If you need help, you can chat with them 24/7! 

You can choose the cost of your coffee (1-5$). The “thank you” message that will be automatically sent to your supporters is also customizable.

You can choose who sees your posts. You can make your posts public, supporters only, or members only. There is also an option to notify your followers by email, which I consider pretty cool.

You can set your own goal. Goals can attract more supporters to your page.

You can choose the currency you prefer to be paid in, as well as the payment method. You can create different memberships, gain members and earn a monthly income. 

Offer extra services like art commisions, downloads, and more!

Invite your friends to join Buy Me a Coffee, and earn!

All features mentioned above are accessible from your Dashboard.

You can customize your profile. Replace “coffee” with anything you’d like. The emoji can also be customized.

Thank your supporters!


I hope you found my guide insightful. I might not be an expert but I am open to any questions you might have regarding Buy Me a Coffee.

If you would like to check the site out or become my supporter/member, you can follow this link: Buy Me a Coffee

  • Reply
    May 23, 2021, 12:40 am

    Cool! I never really thought it was worth it to do the buy me a coffee thing but this got me intrigued to sign up.

    • Reply
      May 23, 2021, 8:03 am

      That’s awesome! You can reply with your link, and I will give you a follow on there.

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